⋅ astronomy ⋅ general ⋅

my astro equipment

previously used equipment:
most parts of the equipment were bought used.

i live directly south of vienna/austria, therefore it is not easy to watch the sky. it takes me a 40 min. drive out of the city for a reasonable dark sky. mostly i drive to hohe wand at neunkirchen or to the brentenriegel at sieggraben or to the wechsel at grimmenstein.

i also use my computer for astronomy. some programs i wrote by myself but mostly i use the freeware "stellarium".

astronomical software i wrote by myself can be found at software.
practical tips for the hobby astronomy can be found at astro tips.
astrophotos i made by myself can be found at the astro photogallery.
a list of all published photos, pictures and articles can be found at publicationes.

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below you can find some links to interesting astro-webpages (some in german).

current events:
near earth asteroid rendezvous space probe "near" explored eros
esa - soho space probe "soho" explores the sun
nasa - project galileo space probe "galileo" explores jupiter and its moons
nasa - mars missions some space probes on mars
nasa - cassini mission space probe "cassini" on the way to saturn

national (austrian) institutions:
inst. f. astronomy at the university of vienna
inst. f. astronomy at the university of innsbruck
linzer astronomische gemeinschaft
planetarium und uraniasternwarte wien
astronomisches büro, wien
österreichische gesellschaft für astronomie und astrophysik
burgenländische amateurastronomen
wiener arbeitsgemeinschaft für astronomie

international institutions:
astronomie.de (german)
astronet collection of links (german)
astrogarten everything about (amateur-) astronomy (german)
astrophotografie.de (michael kunze, german)
astronomical pictures from cri bordeaux
deep-sky corner description of astron. objects
european space agency (esa)
heavens-above, (heavens-above for vienna/austria) data and visibility of satellites and the solar system
hubble space telescope
nasa (jet propulsion laboratory, kennedy space center, astronomical data center, solar system dynamics)
wolfgang strickling tips for beginners, links (german)
planetscapes views of the solar system by calvin j. hamilton
the nine planets by bill arnett
telescopes.de collection of links (german)
vds vereinigung d. sternfreunde e.v. (german)

apogee ccd
meade usa, meade germany
sbig ccd
starlight xpress ccd

dealers austria:
astrostudio (gerald rhemann, vienna)
optik binder (vienna)
astro optik beck (st. pölten)
miller optik (innsbruck)
dealers germany:
baader planetarium
apm (markus ludes)
intercon spacetec (martin birkmaier)
teleskop service (wolfgang ransburg)
astromarkt.de used equipment

sterne und weltraum (germany)
star observer (austria, germany)
interstellarum (germany)
sky & telescope (usa)
astronomy (usa)
astronomy now (uk)

zentralanstalt für meteorologie und geodynamik (austria)
orf weather (austria)
wetterleuchten also with weather for astronomers (germany)
wetterzentrale (germany)
spaceweather.com (usa)

about gallery

my recent photos can be found at facebook
my "best of" at youtube: normal photography, infrared photography, astronomy photography
in the gallery of this website you can find a small selection of my astrophotographic "masterpieces". select a category on the menu of the page. click on the small pictures of the gallery to see a larger photo! the photos are sorted chronological from top (new) to bottom (old).

as i got my astronomical equipment (see above) in june 2000, my interests in astronomical photography increased also. but even before that i shot some astrophotos with normal photoequiment and a tripod. everyone who has ever tried to take astronomical photos knows, that it is not so easy. even my first results can be found here.

all rights on the pictures for publishing are at the author and the use of the pictures without permission is strongly forbidden.

here a list of all my photos (8 mb html file in german).
a online database is under progress.
a list of all published photos, pictures and articles can be found at publicationes.